Text Personalized eGifts | GiftYa
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Text personalized eGifts

Buy a GiftYa
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Choose a merchant

Choose to send a GiftYa to your recipient’s favorite retailer, stores, restaurant and more. With almost every local and national merchant across the U.S to choose from - GiftYa is the gift of choice.

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Personalize the gift

Make your gift unique by uploading a photo or video, or choosing from dozens of designs your recipient is sure to love. Choose a value, write a personal message, and set the delivery date up to 6 months in advance.

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Send the text

The gift will be delivered via text message on the delivery date of your choosing. Linked to your recipients Visa or Mastercard, GiftYa is the gift that can never be lost or stolen.

GiftYa is perfect when you want to give a unique gift, a local gift or choose a large national brand… fast!

Want to give a unique, personalized gift? How about a local gift to the corner coffee shop? With GiftYa, you can give a gift for almost any merchant in the USA, personalize your gift then send it to your recipient’s phone within seconds.

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Text your loved ones a personalized thank you for their efforts during the COVID-19 crisis.

Buy a GiftYa
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